How can I best support YOU?

Choose a path that feels right…

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A.M.’s Story: Your doctor drops a bomb as they have one foot out of the exam room door… “Single Umbilical Artery”? Leaving you with more questions than answers and a sick feeling in your stomach. “This is my baby… is he safe? Are we safe?” Dr. Google only creates more fear… well-meaning momma blogs create more confusion… no one in your family or friend groups knows what this is and it makes you even more scared.

A.M. contacted me and we quickly got to work… referencing the data and the facts. No one’s opinion… no one’s fear tactics… the research evidence found in medical journals for 2 vessel cords and what it meant for momma and baby and the decisions they will make regarding the rest of their pregnancy and birth setting options.

This relationship continued throughout the rest of her pregnancy. As new findings came up, we discussed in a non-biased way how this should be interpreted and how this may impact the most important decisions in her life... the birth of her first child. Reminding her that she is in the driver seat… to collect factual information, the opinions of the experts guiding her care and listening to her own intuition and values to land on a decision she feels empowered by.

As his birth month drew near, we honed in on creating the 4 tier support system no matter where she decided to give birth. Birth plans, doulas, workshops for self-advocacy. We tailored it to fit her individual needs and she SOARED, empowered by the only person who can truly empower her… HERSELF.


All at once… you are a new mother, a new partner, a new being. You just went through the hardest physical event a human body experiences… you can feel everything. Physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally… tender. And there they are, this new amazing little human that relies solely on you and your exhausted partner. You think… why doesn't anyone talk about how hard this really is? Who is that protecting? If I knew how challenging this was going to be then I could have prepared better… set myself up for success. Why are all those moms on IG so happy, cheerful and made up. This is hard. I’m so tired. I love this baby so much but I’m having such a hard time. Am I doing it wrong? Something must be wrong with me.

And the cycle continues. You may not see your provider for 6 whole weeks after your birth unless there is a complication. But why must there be something wrong to get foundational help and support during the most transitional time of your adult life? Why is it a wonder that postpartum depression is at an all time high? Leaving you feeling even more alone than you already felt. It truly takes a village and as a society we have lost that village. There is an app for everything. We don’t ask for help anymore. “We are independent and fearless”. But we still need help and that is okay. Let me come to you in your home and support you in the way that every mother deserves to be supported. To not only help you with new monumental tasks like breastfeeding and infant care but maybe cook some meals for the week, do that laundry that is piling up or simply have eyes on your new little being while you shower, nap or reconnect with your partner whom you might feel estranged from. Whatever is, I will be a part of the village you need and deserve


Have I mentioned that this is one of the most important transformations of your life (ha!)? You are not only about to bring new life into this world (NBD…)… but maybe even more importantly, you are about to transition into a new you. This time in your life carries with it the power to effect the rest of your story… How you feel throughout this time of your life will influence how you feel about yourself as a new parent and a new being. You deserve to have all the right players in your corner. You also may need an unbiased tour guide to navigate the new terrain and use as a sounding board and grounding cord to interpret the information, research possibilities, formulate the right questions to ask your health experts (because you are the one who should be asking the most questions), recruit your support squad and develop a plan and intention for how this transformation will be the most empowering.

This package looks different for everyone because it is specifically tailored to your individual story and specific needs. You can see me as a liaison, an informed best friend, a translator, a cheerleader, a reminder that you can have the pregnancy, birth and postpartum you want. Safe, supported and strong. It’s my dream to see you emerge from this knowing you have what it takes to not only take care of a new baby but to take care of every aspect of you… to have your needs met, your questions answered, your intentions respected, your voice listened to. It would be an honor and a privilege to walk this path with you and to witness you emerge as the new empowered being you were always destined to become.


Still not sure?

Let’s meet virtually and explore the best option for your individual needs… or create a curated option together!