Chrysalis Package



This period of gestation is not only a period of growth for your little one inside but the growth and transition of you as a new being… the support, guides, and allies you choose for yourself now will influence how this gestation takes shape and what kind of new being will emerge. This offering is a partnership of support and advocacy from the “beginning” to the “end” of this chrysalis process… tailored to suit your individual needs, the needs of your partnership, and the needs of the little one inside. Let’s work together to help you emerge from this as empowered as you can be… ready to take on parenthood with full trust in yourself, knowing you have everything you and your growing family needs within you. You are your own best expert…

I understand that finances are tight and stress is high during the current global situation… All prices are negotiable and can be adjusted on a sliding scale basis as needed. You deserve the support and care you need, now more than ever. Let’s talk…

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